Let's get two things straight upfront. First, I have never supported McCain. Second, I do support and am voting for the Obama/Biden ticket. But, and I know that I'm risking my "I'm a liberal" bumper sticker status here, I've never really felt comfortable sharing the same political space with the rosy-cheeked, bright-eyed, tail a wagging members of the cult of Obama either. Call me jaded, hell call me conservative if you'd like, but I just don't see a lot of REAL change a happening while Congress remains the same (old, white, stagnant), while skinheads plot the death of Obama and a large group of black students, while we waste time talking about the legal definition of marriage, while we lag behind the world in education, while we put individual and corporate profits ahead of working for the betterment of our community, etc. But, I will say that I believe Obama is capable of laying the foundation that is needed in order to see the kind of REAL change that many of us so desperately want to see.

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