Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg - This book is a great place for the beginner writer, or even one in need of a refresher, to start thinking about the writing process, specifically the creative, getting-going part of the writing process. Goldberg gives the reader useful advice, encouragement, and inspiration. When I finished her book, I felt like I could write anything. But, as a warning, I should mention that Goldberg can be a little warm & fuzzy and philosophical. Initially, I found her style a bit off putting but I got beyond it and enjoyed what she had to say.
The Writer's Notebook by Ralph Fletcher - Ralph Fletcher is a big name in the world of writing and the writers notebook so I thought it fitting that I read at least one of his books during the workshop. In this book, Fletcher talks writers notebook - what it is, what it isn't, how to use it, how not to use it. Very, very helpful information if you are considering starting/using a writers notebook. Fletcher's book is geared toward teachers of elementary-middle grades but don't let that stop you from reading this even if you're not in the target audience. It is a quick, easy, but worthwhile read.
Nonfiction Craft Lessons, Teaching Information Writing Grades K-8 by Joann Portalupi and Ralph Fletcher - If you teach nonfiction, informational writing this is a great resource. It's written for the elementary/middle grades but the material and lessons are universal. In the first part of the book, the authors set up the nonfiction writing process. Lots of useful step by step instructions with great descriptions and suggestions for teachers. Even if you consider yourself sufficiently schooled in the art of teaching nonfiction writing, this book is a solid reminder of the process and how it should be done. The second half of the book consists of mini-lessons that you can use in the classroom to scaffold kids writing and help them become successful writers of nonfiction. This part is divided into two parts, K-4 and 5-8. I only read the 5-8 section and found the information to be very relevant to me on a professional (teacher of 11th graders) and personal (writer of nonfiction) level.
The Writer's Notebook by Ralph Fletcher - Ralph Fletcher is a big name in the world of writing and the writers notebook so I thought it fitting that I read at least one of his books during the workshop. In this book, Fletcher talks writers notebook - what it is, what it isn't, how to use it, how not to use it. Very, very helpful information if you are considering starting/using a writers notebook. Fletcher's book is geared toward teachers of elementary-middle grades but don't let that stop you from reading this even if you're not in the target audience. It is a quick, easy, but worthwhile read.
Nonfiction Craft Lessons, Teaching Information Writing Grades K-8 by Joann Portalupi and Ralph Fletcher - If you teach nonfiction, informational writing this is a great resource. It's written for the elementary/middle grades but the material and lessons are universal. In the first part of the book, the authors set up the nonfiction writing process. Lots of useful step by step instructions with great descriptions and suggestions for teachers. Even if you consider yourself sufficiently schooled in the art of teaching nonfiction writing, this book is a solid reminder of the process and how it should be done. The second half of the book consists of mini-lessons that you can use in the classroom to scaffold kids writing and help them become successful writers of nonfiction. This part is divided into two parts, K-4 and 5-8. I only read the 5-8 section and found the information to be very relevant to me on a professional (teacher of 11th graders) and personal (writer of nonfiction) level.